
Lena Willikens

Archív partyajánlók

  • [2017-04-14] ▩ B N C ▩ ▩ Lena Willikens ▩
    @ LÄRM

    'Being a long time resident DJ somewhere teaches you the sort of skills that stand you out from the pack. Cologne’s Lena Willikens is one such special selector who has very much made Salon Des Amateurs in Dusseldorf her own. As well as serving up singular sets there, she is also a key part of the Comeme Records crew with the likes of Barnt. For them she hosts a regular radio show, and for them she has released her brooding, industrially bleak techno sounds.

Zenei stílusok

  • Folk

  • Electronica

    Maga az elektronikus hullámokkal történő hangtovábbítás Alexander Graham Bell ötlete.
  • Breakbeat

    Minimalisztikus jellegű. Jellegzetes vonása a 3/4-es ütem.

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