▩ lágy és emocionális, felszabadító és reményekkel teli, akár a tavasz első szárnycsapásai. misztikus, elegáns és erőteljes, mint Reeko alias Architectural.
The time has come! This is the part of the year when our Portuguese masters of the scene join us to present what happened since our last meeting. The Slum Vagabunds aka TSV will bring us the all time best vibes, what makes Fuse Records so different locally and globally. SYPER and Vanhell got together as a duo in 2011 and besides being the nicest blokes and cutting edge djs, they have a higher mission. TSV's aim is to bring us to the extreme situations and difficult survival to which man is subjected to in many places of the globe, and that civilization continues to ignore as if it wouldn’t affect us at all. The Slum Vagabunds arise as the representative name of memory and awareness to the imbalance that still exists in this so called modern world, where no one is absolutely saved.
Egy este ahol az ütemek számítanak igazán. Célunk hogy a Techno - Dark Techno műfaján belül megismerjetek minél több Producer/DJ -t. Első alkalommal többek között Peat Noise munkásságát hallhatjátok akinek megjelenései nem kisebb kiadónál jönnek ki mint a Naughty Pills Records - NPR Limitless !