It is now a decade since Nick Curly "official" announced himself on the international stage, and the Mannheim artist remains very much at the heart of the scene. Still innovating in the studio, subtly evolving his sound and serving up forward thinking sets around the world, he has continued to establish his 8bit Records label as one of the most influential out there.
The german godfather is back to Budapest to present his first LP after 15 years of reigning house music scene. Countless epic releases on labels like Bass Culture, Mobilee, Robsoul, Tsuba etc), being on of the strongest players of the Watergate family and developing his own brand Scenario where he showcases the biggest house talents of the world. This LP passed the boundaries of the genre, so it will be surely exciting to experience the premier with his always grooving style.
The time has come! This is the part of the year when our Portuguese masters of the scene join us to present what happened since our last meeting. The Slum Vagabunds aka TSV will bring us the all time best vibes, what makes Fuse Records so different locally and globally. SYPER and Vanhell got together as a duo in 2011 and besides being the nicest blokes and cutting edge djs, they have a higher mission. TSV's aim is to bring us to the extreme situations and difficult survival to which man is subjected to in many places of the globe, and that civilization continues to ignore as if it wouldn’t affect us at all. The Slum Vagabunds arise as the representative name of memory and awareness to the imbalance that still exists in this so called modern world, where no one is absolutely saved.
After this magical season, it's time to close our doors for a while, as summer is almost here. We will not let you go without a last celebration, so on the 19th of May we are waiting for you with Joey Daniel!
We had an amazing 2017 together, we had so much fun under the Sun, and After Dark when the lights were gone...why should we stop now? Let's start the new year at our beloved home, AETHER, with up-coming talent, Robert Dobak, who's part of bedroom events.
170 years after the Hungarian Revolution, freedom and love are still words that connect us, and these two words are the main principles of After Dark.
Let’s make our own, musical revolution in front of the Statue of Liberty, next to the wonderful Danube, let our artists play revolutionary music, let’s dance through the night and watch the sunrise together!
Dear Friends, we haven't met since the last event at Corvin Club, so It's been a while since our last dance together, as unfortunately the club has been closed. But the show must go on! Luckily there are still some places in town where we can continue our mission...
Most első alkalommal szállnak fel az ütemek a budaörsi repülőtéren. Ingyenesen látogatható igazi nappali e-zenés délutáni napozásra és piknikezés a fel és leszálló gépek szomszédságában.
Évről évre összegyűlünk határon innen és túl, hogy együtt ünnepeljük meg, karácsonyi hangulattal átitatva, egyik közös nevezőnket, a mély zenék iránti szeretetünket. Idén sem lehet ez másképp, ám ezúttal délről érkezik hozzánk egy karmester, hogy levezényelje audiovizuális összejövetelünket. A hazai környezetben tavaly debütált Spanyol zenei nagykövet nyáron érte el a magyarországi partytörténelem hallhatatlansági érdemét az Alkotótáborban előadott 7 órás elképesztő szelekciójával.
Ha már visszaránthatatlanul benyomul hozzánk az ősz, akkor mi Latin-Amerikával vágunk vissza az alacsonyabb középhőmérsékletnek: a São Paulo technózenei konyhájából kireppent Alt Bookings kolónia három élharcosa - a Berghain pultjában frissen debütált és az ügynökséget vezérlő Amanda Mussi, a múltbéli hiphop-rutinját fifikásan a klubzenékbe forgató Ingmar B és a Boiler Room női frontját szilárdító Victoria Mussi - mutatja be, milyen pontokon csatlakozik egymáshoz Detroit technó, savköpő elektró és klasszikusabb house.