



Jelenleg a partyajánlók archívumát böngészed. Kattints ide a friss partyajánlók megtekintéséhez!

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  • [2019-02-23] Aether pres. Janina(Tresor)

    "At the age of 18, she was invited to play her first set at Club der Visionäre, where she was subsequently offered a residency, and it was during her years on the Spree that she learned many “life lessons” and began to refine the sound and style she shares at many of Europe’s finest clubs today. "
    But its not, how her carrier started and even not, how it has ended..
  • [2019-11-08] AETHER pres. Nick Curly

    Nick Curly Budapesten!
  • [2019-04-20] Aether pres. Omar M

    Born with the desire to collect vinyl from a young age, Omar Melendez has showcased refined taste throughout his selections for over a decade. He is not only Venezuela-born, but he also played a key role in developing the underground electronic music scene there before deciding to relocate to Barcelona in 2016.
  • [2019-03-23] Aether pres. Sita Abellan

    Hailing from Murcia, Spain, Sita Abellan is at the vanguard of a new wave of cultural tastemakers, pushing boundaries where music and style collide. Her left-field taste may have marginalized her as a teenager, but her love and passion for playing techno has since seen her rise to international prominence.
  • [2019-12-26] Aether pres. Tres Manos (This and That)

    A spanyol underground szcéna egyik kulcsfigurája érkezik a tengerparti techno hullámok hátán, elhozva a zenét és lendületet, amitől Barcelona egyik elsőszámú house felelőse lett.
  • [2019-01-26] Aether pres. Vlada (ARMA17)

    ‘Spinning around’ is a definition relevant both to her records and lifestyle - Berlin- based Vlada remains Moscow-attached. More then 10 years of deep dive into worldwide electronic scene resulted in residency in ARMA17 and curation of the Volks parties as a co-founder.
  • [2019-10-18] Aether x RED58

    Aether x RED58
  • [2019-08-24] After Dark

    We believe in the power of music, which is connecting all of us together! The music doesn't care about our race, skin, sexual identity, or nationality. The music is just music and all we have to do is to enjoy it together!
  • [2019-06-22] After Dark ✗ A38 #0622

    Every second weekend, we gather to let our bodies be like water and move to the rhythm like waves do.
  • [2019-05-03] After Dark pres. Butch
    @ Akvárium Klub

    As BUTCH himself says:
    "I like to make people dance and have fun. I’m the captain of the spaceship and I’m driving it. People who come to the show get in the ship – and I take them on a trip. To get into the spaceship, they leave their physical body at the door. You must switch off the real world and switch off the mind. I will do the rest.”
  • [2019-03-15] After Dark pres. Detlef

    Hop out of your bed and turn your swag on, 'cause Detlef himself is coming to town!
  • [2019-04-06] After Dark pres. Lazare Hoche

    “Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” - Voltaire
  • [2019-05-18] After Dark x A38

    The season of deepness is finally approaching. And by deep, we don't only refer to the tasty basslines but also the depth of water.
  • [2019-09-13] After Dark x A38
    @ A38

    "Music education is the most important because rhythm and harmony are most submerged in and deeply captured by the soul." /Platón/
  • [2019-10-18] After Dark x A38

    Dear Friends,

    we're rolling into deep again. Our mission is to develop the Hungarian electronic music scene by talented local patriots like our resident artists, or the upcoming duo Bamboleo.
  • [2019-07-27] After Dark x A38

    Every second weekend, we gather to let our bodies be like water and move to the rhythm like waves do.
  • [2019-07-13] After Dark x A38 #0713

    Every second weekend, we gather to let our bodies be like water and move to the rhythm like waves do.

    ☀ Come and dive into the beats with us until the rays of the morning Sun hit the surface of Danube!
  • [2019-06-07] After Dark x A38 vol.2

    ▲ Science fact: "Archemedes’s principle states that the force pushing on an object under water, is equal to the mass of water it has pushed out of the way.” ▼
  • [2019-09-28] AFTER Time & ELB Boat Party After

    Az igazán jó after olyan, ha egyszer rátalálsz, nem akarod többé hogy véget érjen.
    Induljunk meg eme mágikus trip-re a TRIP Hajón, mely a napkeltével kezdődik csak igazán!
  • [2019-10-12] Agents of Time / Cruisin 5yrs / Hi!Fly 10yrs
    @ Európa Hajó

    Kedves Barátaink!

    Különleges évfordulókhoz érkeztünk! A Műcsarnok pincéjében találkoztunk először 10 évvel ezelőtt és 5 éve pedig egy hajó teraszán. Ami utána történt az a mi közös történetünk veletek. Úgy alakult, hogy valamennyire, egymás életének részeivé váltunk. Nagyon köszönjük! Lapot húzunk a 19-re és az Európa hajóval futunk ki október 12-én és állítjuk meg az időt ezen a szombaton! Az olasz Agents of Time trió érkezik egy fantasztikus nappali szettre a legendás rezidenseink Yvel & Tristan és Marco Grandi mellé. Legyen tánc!
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