

Crisis ▩ ▩ Ozel AB - live (UK) @ LÄRM

Dátum 2017. augusztus 26.
Helyszín LÄRM
Stílus Techno, House, Electronic
Crisis ▩ ▩ Ozel AB - live (UK)▩ LÄRM ▩ Crisis ▩ ▩ Ozel AB - live (UK) ▩LÄRM

Crisis ▩ ▩ Ozel AB - live (UK) @ LÄRM

▩ LÄRM ▩ Crisis ▩ ▩ Ozel AB - live (UK) ▩


Ozel AB live (Workshop Records, Lobster Theremin – UK)

Imre Kiss (Crisis)

S Olbricht (Crisis)


London based producer Ozel AB has left a significant impact since his debut on Lobster Theremin back in 2014. With each of his releases showcasing his broad sonic palette, ranging from his distinctive style of dubby and ambient deep house to his raw and industrial tripped out techno on the LT black label series. His production duties recently attracted the attention of cult favourites Workshop Records, who selected him for their Workshop 24 release. His dynamic live sets are testament to his versatility in sound.


1500 HUF



  • LÄRM

    Akácfa utca 51. 1. em. Budapest, Hungary 1073

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