

After Dark Season Opening

Dátum 2017. szeptember 28.
Stílus House, Techno
After Dark Season Opening"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present."

After Dark Season Opening

"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present."

After Dark’s main goal is not only to give you entertainment in form of music and venue, but to create a community where we all become one, where we all reassemble for the night, and of its mysteries that it brings.

Let’s be together when the night reveals the unspoken, and the unknown. Let's all camouflage in black to symbolize that we are one with each other, and one with the night.

Season Opening Line-up

Bribón & Botek
Tolo /​ Mate Tollner & Falcao

Entrance: 1500 HUF




    Király utca 13 Budapest, VII. ker.

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