As a DJ, Dave Clarke plays out three weekends a month across Europe and the world, living up to his nickname, the Baron of Techno, a moniker given him by the late, great BBC Radio DJ John Peel. There’s the same attention to detail each time, his sets swooping whip-smart along the cutting blade of techno and electro, backed up by a seasoned bag of DJ tricks in which his early hip hop roots clearly show. Techno’s first and original “Man in Black”, Clarke blends into the background upon arrival and lets his music do the talking. That’s where he comes alive, where skills honed for years blow venues apart.
Rebels x Vault: egyszer már működött, most megpróbáljuk újra! Csupa local heroval és kizárólag B2B szettekkel várunk az év utolsó éjszakáján!
A Parisian living in Berlin, Wallis is a techno producer, mastering engineer, resident of Upperberry and labelboss of Jell. Her signature industrial beats and Arzenál will make a perfect match.
Buckle up for our next destruction. [KRTM] is going to lay down a super rare extended live set.
Szeptemberben indul a BRVTAL második szezonja, ami igen csak izgalmasnak ígérkezik és az antrét ismét a LÄRM-ben robbantjuk! & Underground Culture presents: Under Techno with Overloop (BEL)
Underground Szilveszter After a körúton!
Listen To The Techno
Újra jelentkezik a Mission Open Air, a már megszokott helyen Jászberényben, az Y-bárban, ezúttal június 12-én pénteken.
Pénteken ismét dübörögnek a hangfalak a dányi Barlangban.
Global Noises szombaton a dányi Barlangban