
Olga Korol

Archív partyajánlók

  • [2020-02-22] Aether pres. Olga Korol (Body Parts, UA)

    A vájt fülű klubbereknek szeretnénk kedvezni Olga meghívásával. Az odesseai származású djane Ukrajnában kezdett forrni, megjárta a Kazan Tipeket, Moszkvában a stílusszetter Arma17 vette szárnyai alá, hogy az őt jellemző minimalista, de groovy stílusa a legelismertebb szelektorok közé emelhesse.
  • [2018-06-09] TULPA dawn-to-dark w/ Olga Korol

    Tulpa is a limited group of young, self-taught musicians, visual artists, poets and philosophers, who believe the synchronization of the collective creative mind. It is an infinitalized homage to contemporary music and visual poetry.
  • [2017-07-22] Move x Into the Episode - Budapest

    Into the Episode is a club tour, visiting cities all over the world to share the vibe of our festivals, and to let us meet people sharing our enthusiasm for advanced electronic music. We're bringing artists we love, people from our crew and are only choosing venues we think fit our concept. Everyone can not come to our festivals, but we can try coming to you. Or at least closer to you. Former parties have been in Moscow, Stockholm, Antwerp, Berlin and Oslo just to mention a few cities.
  • [2016-12-28] ★ MOVE Special w/ Olga Korol
    @ Corvin Club

    Budapest szerda esti underground klubestje!

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