

The Monthly Circus Maximus Club Nights

Dátum 2005. december 9.
Stílus ismeretlen
The Monthly Circus Maximus Club NightsThe Monthly Circus Maximus Club Nights

The Monthly Circus Maximus Club Nights

The Monthly Circus Maximus Club Nights
Circus Maximus pres.

The Monthly Circus Maximus Club Nights

05. 11. 04. péntek 22:00-06:00

The Circus Maximus Djs /Sp, Scinetyc, Axel/
+ guest: Body & Soul /BC presents, Urban Art Forms/ - A

05. 12. 09. péntek 22:00-06:00

The Circus Maximus Djs /Sp, Scinetyc, Axel/
+ guest: Silent Witness /DNAudio, Commercial Suicide, Metalheadz,
Quarantine/ - UK

Kashmir Underground Club
Cím: Budapest, IX. Üllői út 51.

Csak a helyszínen: 1000 huf.

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