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Focus 6.birthday party(Quantum live) @ Diesel Club, Budapest

Dátum 2009. január 10.
Helyszín Diesel Club, Budapest, X. kerület (Planetárium mellett), Népligeti út 2.
Stílus Progressive Goa, Full-on, Goa, Drum and Bass,
Focus 6.birthday party(Quantum live)a Focus party(kevésbé ismert előadók bulija)sorozat 6.születésnapi bulijára a Diesel klubba kerül sor.Diesel Club, Budapest, X. kerület (Planetárium mellett), Népligeti út 2.
Az esemény résztvevői:
3 vendég igazolt vissza, például: Cifra Coby Funtom
összes résztvevő megtekintése

Focus 6.birthday party(Quantum live) @ Diesel Club, Budapest

a Focus party(kevésbé ismert előadók bulija)sorozat 6.születésnapi bulijára a Diesel klubba kerül sor.

A partysorozat idáig az ismert hazai előadókon kívül kevésbé ismert előadókat is bemutatott ami ezen a bulin se lesz másként.
Sőt ezúton egy israeli live act is tiszteletét teszi nálunk és eme partyn Quantum(Gidi Snapir) személyében aki 1994-től már az israeli party élet ismert személye 3 órás live+dj set-el ajándékoz meg minket legújabb stúdióalbumából adva ízelítőt mely ismét a BNE records kiadásában jelenik meg.

MySpace URL:


egyébb infó Quantumról:
Quantum is Gidi Snapir - One of the pioneering Israeli trance activists, active as a leading Dj since the early Israeli trance era. He is the guy behind the world known "Quantum" project, already released 2 featured albums on B.N.E/YoYo Records Israels well-established label and distribution company & One album at Trancelucent Records. Gidi also produces more Electro oriented tunes under the act name "One night stand". Gidi has been Djing extensively on a global scale since 1994, performed at every possible venue in Israel, and throughout the world.
Over the last decade, he performed at festivals, raves and small underground parties and was mainly associated with the Hovek Olam project for which he toured worldwide and compiled 3 compilation cd's.
He begun his musical production ventures as Dj Gidi later on as full fledged Quantum, he has collaborated with a wide variety talented artists such as Astrix, DNA, Alien Project, PPS Project, BLT, Point, Timelock to name a few...
Gidi Hovek Olem has compiled 4 compilations.
Voojoo Rituals (Hovek Olam), New Frontiers (Usta), Memory Flash (Mdma) & Forplay (Trancelucent Records).
In 1998 Gidi launched "Newzeek", the first & only real Israeli Electronic Music Magazine, after 2 active years the magazines closed down and left Gidi to persue his real passion, focusing on his solo project "Quantum".
In 1999 Gidi established his own weekly radio show - Tranceformator 106fm - at the " Kol HaKampus" radio station in Tel Aviv.
Tranceformator, was a big hit and had was listened by thousand of people each week.
Quantum"s Studio Albums : Outrage (Bne/Yoyo), Kiss The Sound (Bne/Yoyo), Penetration (Trancelucent Records). Gidi is also producing more Electro oriented music for his project "One night Stand" More info coming soon...

2009.január 10 szombat.Diesel klub 22h-

line up:

full on stage:

22h- Adam vs.Szamy (Rf-Crew)
00h- Y-East (Tranceport)
01h- Quantum live act (BNE records)-Israel
02.30h- Dj Gidi-Quantum (BNE records)-Israel
04h- Dolphin (Futurefolk)
05.30h- Toge (Tranceport)

progressive stage:

22h-Cifra (Nino team)
00h-NILS (psyCle)
02h-Kugler (Winie one rec.)
04h-Hruscsov (Tranceport)

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