

Breakbeat Massive Records NIght x Frame

Dátum 2017. október 21.
Stílus Breakbeat
Breakbeat Massive Records NIght x FrameWe miss the breakbeat we fell in love with at the time, and because of which breakbeat was equal to quality underground music. The Breakbeat Massive records tries to fill this void we miss so much! The Breakbeat Massive is a extremely popular party series that was first introduced 13 years ago in Budapest.

Breakbeat Massive Records NIght x Frame

We miss the breakbeat we fell in love with at the time, and because of which breakbeat was equal to quality underground music. The Breakbeat Massive records tries to fill this void we miss so much! The Breakbeat Massive is a extremely popular party series that was first introduced 13 years ago in Budapest.




    Akácfa utca 49. Budapest, Hungary 1073

Régebbi partyk ezen a helyszínen

Ajánlott rádiók a partyhoz

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