

▩ Lost Minute ▩ ▩ John Dimas Album Tour ▩ @ LÄRM

Dátum 2018. március 17.
Helyszín LÄRM
Stílus House
▩ Lost Minute ▩ ▩ John Dimas Album Tour ▩"Dimas has been on the radar of those who know for nearly 10 years now. His fluid grooves, minimal intricacies, and ability to coax unusual rhythms from his deft sound designs have won him fans with heady DJs and connoisseur dancers alike. They come on labels like Taverna Tracks, Raum… Musik, and Metreze, and have been long sought after. He now runs his own label, Elephant Moon, as a place for his own work and to demonstrate his A&R skills. It's here that he'll release his debut album 'One Against Time', in February 2018." - via XLR8RLÄRM

▩ Lost Minute ▩ ▩ John Dimas Album Tour ▩ @ LÄRM

"Dimas has been on the radar of those who know for nearly 10 years now. His fluid grooves, minimal intricacies, and ability to coax unusual rhythms from his deft sound designs have won him fans with heady DJs and connoisseur dancers alike. They come on labels like Taverna Tracks, Raum… Musik, and Metreze, and have been long sought after. He now runs his own label, Elephant Moon, as a place for his own work and to demonstrate his A&R skills. It's here that he'll release his debut album 'One Against Time', in February 2018." - via XLR8R


John Dimas 'One Against Time' Album Tour /Elephant Moon - Berlin/

DJ Naga /Lost Minute, House2House/

Peter Bernath /Lost Minute, RTS.FM Budapest/

Erro /Lost Minute, Arupa Music/

▩ BE

2300_0100 1500 HUF

0100_____ 2000 HUF



  • LÄRM

    Akácfa utca 51. 1. em. Budapest, Hungary 1073

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