

Castle Sunset Grooves @ Savoyai Terasz

Dátum augusztus 30.
Helyszín Savoyai Terasz
Stílus ismeretlen
Castle Sunset GroovesCASTLE SUNSET GROOVES // Sunset dance at 2 iconic locations in the Buda CastleSavoyai Terasz

Castle Sunset Grooves @ Savoyai Terasz

CASTLE SUNSET GROOVES // Sunset dance at 2 iconic locations in the Buda Castle

The lighter version of EDR is the celebration of summer, and uplifting music.

We take over two of the most magnificent venues in the city, for a very special end of summer open-air dance.

We will sip our drinks by enjoying the golden & blue hours' view at the UNESCO world heritage site Buda Castle: - inside the open-air LION COURTYARD, looking at the arguably most beautiful building of Budapest, the Royal Palace; - and SAVOYAI TERASZ, giving us probably the best view of the city over the parliament and the Chain Bridge, above the roofs of the castle hill.

Breathtaking sunset, a prime location, and the perfect chill with just the right amount of dance for House, Techno, and Trance grooves, by international and local DJs. The event is free - everyone is welcome.


► LINE-UP - Lion Courtyard (18:30-23:30)

~ Falcao (LavaLava)

~ Nakrasia

~ Rozalina

► LINE-UP - Savoyai Terasz (16:00-23:00)

~ Schraeder

~ Rovizz

~ Serries

Warm-up (16:00-18:00):

~ Kloos


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