

Jaxxon Under

Jaxxon Under


Archív partyajánlók

  • [2022-12-31] CLUB BADHANNA NYE /// Only House Music
    @ Badhanna

    Badhanna "only house music" újévi bulival vár, kedvenc DJ-inkkel és legjobb barátainkkal a világ minden tájáról.
  • [2019-11-30] Jaxxon Under [DE] // Secret
    @ secret room

    Our next guest artists are our friends friends from Germany, the two cool house djs and producer JAXXON UNDER...!
  • [2018-12-01] Aether pres. Nick Curly

    The Master is back! It is now a decade since Nick Curly "official" announced himself on the international stage, and the Mannheim artist remains very much at the heart of the scene. Still innovating in the studio, subtly evolving his sound and serving up forward thinking sets around the world, he has continued to establish his 8bit Records label as one of the most influential out there.


Zenei stílusok

  • House

    A diszkó,electro, funk, synthpop és az R&B stílus leszármazottja. Tipikus hangszerei a szintetizátor, dobgép, sequencer, sampler. Az első, kifejezetten house zenét játszó klub Chicagóban jelent meg Music Box néven.

Ajánlott rádiók

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