

Kristin Velvet

Kristin Velvet

Archív partyajánlók

  • [2020-01-18] LavaLava ▩ Kristin Velvet

    Over the past decade Kristin Velvet’s life has been devoted to music in one way or another - initially as a promoter & DJ in Tokyo, later as the Australian label manager of UK’s Domino Records. Today she is an essential figure of Berlin’s club scene, heading up the tasteful Arms & Legs records - the label from Daniel Steinberg & Nils Ohrmann - which has featured a long line of killer remixes & releases from respected artists including Paul Johnson, 808 State, Nick Holder, Jay Haze, DJ W!LD & Crazy P.


Zenei stílusok

  • NuDisco

  • Bass

  • House

    A diszkó,electro, funk, synthpop és az R&B stílus leszármazottja. Tipikus hangszerei a szintetizátor, dobgép, sequencer, sampler. Az első, kifejezetten house zenét játszó klub Chicagóban jelent meg Music Box néven.

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