Razvan ( Gyx ) & Ciprian ( Ciprian Popa ) is a freshly created duo from Sibiu County, a city in the central part of Romania. Both playing for a while now, the project emerged not long ago after playing some inspired back to backs in local venues or privat parties. Their long friendship is also transposed in their sets, completing each other. In a short time they could have been listened to, in lineups along with influential romanian talents as Praslea, Crihan, Jay Bliss, Mihai Popoviciu.
Entry point will be throughout Corvin Cafe's elevator, only few steps away from Corvin Club's main entrance.
Cap - Sunrise, Romania
Razvan & Ciprian - Musical Deeds, Romania
Peter Bernath - Lost Minute , RTS.FM Budapest
Erro - Lost Minute, Arupa Music
Corvin Club / BAR
presale 1500 huf
at the door: 2000 huf
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