
DJ Banyesz - Eight Night Radio show 7.

Archív partyajánlók


  • Heg Nasty

    BIO: Heg Nasty was born in Budapest in 1986. Nasty got acquainted and fell in love with electronic music in 2003. He started dealing with the music seriously in 2006. Around this time he bought his first vinyls, and his dj stuffs. Firstly he played various style of music; from drum and bass to techno and later they started playing on internet radio. His first performance was on Fuzio Radio in 2008. He started making his own tunes and he become a resident dj in a hungarian club in 2009. In the last few years his tracks released by Dubplate Mafia records and own Mameluk System Records what was established by some friends. His first album was released on 2012. Nowadays, he is occupied with the techno music and he has some signed techno tracks on Antarctic Records and on the hungarian Plastic Rhythm records. He uses in his music hard bassline and various tunes from 126bpm to 130bpm. Right now Heg Nasty's EP is out on Bunk3r R3cords - Belgium in 2017!
  • Ewun

    A Rochester-i Jake Stanczak aka Ewun 2005-ben írta fel nevét a drum'n'bass történelemkönyvébe.
  • Evol Intent

    Az amerikai drum and bass mozgalom új generációjának egyik legmarkánsabb képviselője a három tagú Evol Intent.
  • Banyesz

Kapcsolódó cikkek

  • Magyar drum & bass csatorna indult a Youtube-on

    Vezető magyar producerek - Chris.su, Jade, Mindscape, Spinline - HunCut néven Youtube csatornát indítottak azzal a szándékkel, hogy egy helyre gyűjtsék saját, megjelenés előtt álló zenéiket. Az újdonságok mellett a már slágerré lett, klasszikus zenék is helyet kapnak a gyűjtőoldalon, a sort így Chris.su és a Solaris című zene nyitotta, amelyet eddig öt másik, még kiadatlan szerzemény követett Chris.su, Mindscape, Jade és Matt-U "tollából".

Ajánlott rádiók

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